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Get Facebook friends list


Develop apps/games for Facebook. Faced with the problem of displaying the list of friends in the app and posting them on the wall.

Using the method from the JS SDK get friends list:

FB.api("/me/invitable_friends", function (response) {});

Using this method, I want to post a notification on a friend's wall:

FB.ui({method: 'feed', to: friendId, href: APP_URL, function(response) {});

The problem is that invitable_friends I get a list of friends to invite to a game with ID of this type:


And the method FB.ui({method: 'feed'}) only works with normal user ID 1409078876074289 and accordingly I can not post a message on friend's wall.

There is a method FB.api('/me/friends/', function(response) {}), but for some reason it always returns an empty array.

Permissions are specified in the following parameters:

{scope: 'publish_actions,public_profile,email 'user_friends''}

Can you please tell me how to get friends list with a normal ID.

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